
2009 FFCC Award Winners

Best Documentary

Winner: At the Death House Door
Pickett's odyssey makes for an incredible story. One of the executions he had to preside over was of a man who killed a popular parishioner during a prison riot. Watching Pickett negotiate, even in memory, the complex of emotions that his job has forced him to reconcile, I was struck by how the film begins with the political and moves to the spiritual. Like Plato's Republic, which cannot answer the question "What is Justice?" without describing the perfect society, At the Death House Door begins with a seemingly simple, direct question and shows how hopelessly complicated the simplest questions can be. (Kenneth R. Morefield, from his 2008 top 10 list)

Man on Wire

Also nominated:
Encounters at the End of the World
Pray the Devil Back to Hell


1 comment:

Kenneth R. Morefield said...

Very happy to see Gilbert's and James's film recognized. A longer review is available at Looking Closer Journal (